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The History of St. Theresa and Cardinal Music


Written by Billy & Ferdie Ledet, June 2000


The devotion of bringing a rose to St. Theresa was started by Pris Ledet, introduced to E.D. White Cardinal Music in 1972 and has continued through the years to the present time. 


St. Theresa is the patron saint of many people because she did everything in a little way.  So we figured she would be the one to call upon to help this little band with many young boys and girls to help in their goals of attaining success against the big, big odds and many other huge bands!  Well, for so many of the past years, this little red band has far surpassed the expectations and dreams of its band directors, staff, family members, and has performed way beyond the ability of its member that we believe this little saint has interceded and helped them.  We believe she goes up to the Great Maestro in her little way and says, "Lord, help this little red band..."


There is now a statue of St. Theresa in the band room and outside the band room, and roses surround the statue most of the time.  The band director and his/her staff always has a rose by St. Theresa before, during, and after performances to remind them of our heavenly intercessor.  So watch the sky at marching performances or inside auditoriums, and look for the shower of roses as the little red rose Cardinal Vanguard Band makes goosebumps go up and down your body!

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