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Global Wildlife Trip
We are pleased to announce the we have been invited to Global Wildlife. Information below

We have some exciting news to share. Our Indoor Percussion group has been invited to the Global Wildlife Center! We are thrilled to announce that Mrs. Amy's video of our performance caught the attention of Mrs. Cooper, director of Global Wildlife, who reached out to us with this wonderful invitation. The center was so happy that we used their facility in our show and apparently several of the staff members can relate to the story of our show. Because of this Mrs. Cooper has offer for our members to have a tour and maybe see some of the Giraffes up close, feature the group in a press release, and asked if we could do a performance at a sunset tour the facility will have.
Although details are still being worked out, we hope all members will be able to attend on Saturday, May 4th. We would leave at 1:00 pm, have a tour at 4:00 pm, and perform either before the sunset tour or after. We are still working on the details of the performance. I know you had a great final competitive performance, but I think we can pull one more out for this unique opportunity. It will be great to have the center in the background for your performance. We are trying to make this a moving and playing performance, but plan B would be a stand still.
The only cost for you would be your meals. This is the fireman's fair weekend, and we ask that if you attend the fair that you would support our firemen Friday night and we will march in the parade on Sunday.
We would prepare after the Washington trip by playing the music in class and once a week a short rehearsal to keep the movement fresh. I am not anticipation that this is take a lot of rehearsals
This is a great opportunity and blessing.
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